Community Service

Grama Prabodhaya
Grama Prabodhaya stands to develop a village thoroughly in numerous dimensions to uplift the quality of the villages and enable the residents to preserve a better quality of life as a signature community service initiative and an international award winner. Grama Prabodhaya turned to its sixth chapter this Rotaract year to support Dunupothagama, a village on the outskirts of the city.
This village gives shelter to 176 families and education to approximately 750 students. Continuing the work from the year before, in this final stretch of Grama Prabodhaya in Dunupothagama, several milestones were passed where the Rotaractors worked on developing the basic requirements of the villagers by uplifting the infrastructure in the village.
Manusath Handa
Being awarded the prestigious title of “International Single-club Awardee” in the 2020/21 Rotaract Outstanding Project Awards, Manusath Handa – Voice of Humanity is a great endeavor aimed at improving the educational status of visually impaired students across the island. It primarily focuses on giving easy access to education for the stated target population by transforming curriculum-related subject matter to audio format.
Students studying for the G.C.E Advanced Level and G.C.E Ordinary Level are the major emphasis of Manusath Handa. Questions and answers from previous exams are narrated, then transformed into audiobooks, and made available to students. The launch of Sri Lanka’s first and largest online audiobook library, the “Manusath Handa e-library,” was a significant milestone for the project, which featured more than 500 audiobooks recorded with the help of volunteers.

Nena Aruna
Education plays a vital role in our lives, and it is the foundation upon which our future is built. We hope that with Nena Aruna, we will be able to improve the educational standards of underprivileged school students while also providing them with an equal opportunity to participate in their studies throughout the new normal.
The project consisted of one subject LearnYou where educational support was given for the students in grades 10 and 11 and two important sessions O/L Samath and Abhilas Tharana. Altogether the project conducted 50 seminars with a 600+ growing student
community from all four corners of Sri Lanka.
Hand in Hand
Hand in Hand is a significant endeavor that began five years ago to provide relief for the youngsters residing at Apeksha Hospital in Maharagama who are struggling for their life to delight in their world with enormous hopes. Under the new normal, the team began work on the project’s newest adaption, The Cancer Awareness Campaign, which included a flyer series and a blog series. It was decided to raise awareness of cancer and its causes, forms of cancer, and the WHO’s cancer policy. In addition, movie reviews on films based on genuine stories of cancer patients were included in the blogs. Rotaract Mora extended a fundraising effort to sell printed T-shirts during Vesak after another successful donation to the library of Apeksha Hospital’s Children’s Ward.

Connecting the Dots
Connecting the dots across Sri Lanka, the project focused on cultivating peace, unity, and co-existence among diverse communities while building long-lasting friendships among different creeds that we pressingly need today. The project revolved around three main subprojects, namely, they are projects As-Salamu Alaikum, Shalom, and Vanakkam.
- As-Salamu Alaikum unfolded with the main objective of educating young minds in the Muslim community in the Eastern Province. Under the project, dedicated Rotaractors gifted the students of Al Arsath Maha Vidyalaya and Al Hilal Vidyalaya in Sainthamaruthi stationery packs that would help them with their studies.
- Shalom was a joint initiative carried out with Rotaract Club of Negombo, in hopes of reaching the Christian community and providing a more meaningful service around the country. An informative and friendly session for the students who were just after their G.C.E.Ordinary Level examinations at the Munnakarei Catholic Church – Sunday school, highlighting the importance of pursuing higher education and how tertiary education supports one’s career and growth in a
dynamic environment. - Vanakkam was organized to reach the Tamil community in Jaffna. With the backing of our long-term collaborator Rotaract Club of Nallur Heritage, the clubs gifted 50 stationary packs, including KN 95 masks for the children. One of the most important facts is that the project was able to reach across the nationalities amid the harsh pandemic and build a good connection.