International Service

Rotaract Mora Model United Nations 2021
Rotaract Mora Model United Nations (RMMUN) is one of the novel initiatives initiated by the club, and this revolutionary project was one of the signature International Services projects for the Rotaract year 2020/21, which aimed at International Service. RMMUN, as the name suggests, is a simulation of the United Nations. The pinnacle of project RMMUN is the Annual RMMUN Conference, where the participants would join as delegates from their assigned countries and engage in timely discussions about pressing issues and fight on behalf of their country. Therefore, in order to groom the participants into the best version of delegates, there was a series of sub-projects designed to address the development of one or several key prerequisites expected from
a delegate.
Sri Lanka Rotaract Model United Nations 2021
Sri Lanka Rotaract Model United Nations, SLRMUN is a signature International Service project carried out by Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa held on the 3rd of April 2021 as a hybrid event. The goal of SLRMUN was to provide a forum for young people to express their opinions and promote productive conversation in order to find viable solutions. The delegates of each committee competed and collaborated to come up with the best solutions to complex international issues. The conference was held via Zoom with the presence of an international audience, with over 35 delegates taking part under 3 committees. The three committees were United Nations Security Council (UNSC), United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), and Social, Humanitarian and Cultural
Committee (SOCHUM) also known as the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee (GA3).

Sahayoga 2021
Global reach in providing service and promoting understanding, Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa recognized the invitation received from Rotaract Club of
Pokhara University as an opportunity to promote better relations between Nepali brethren through a framework of friendship and service by organizing project Sahayoga.
Being a newly chartered Rotaract Club under Rotaract district 3292 Bhutan – Nepal, Rotaract Club of Pokhara University is the first-ever international organization in the
second largest university in Nepal. Given the long-standing history and success of Rotaract Mora, the Nepali club extended an invitation inviting the club to share knowledge and experiences with them and provide the guidance and support that is needed to become a strong, productive, and self-sufficient club in the District
World Peace Day Celebration 2021
Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa celebrated the International Day of Peace observed around the world, under the theme ‘Shaping Peace Together’, by organizing a panel discussion with the participation of Mr. Jehan Perera, Executive Director of the National Peace Council of Sri Lanka, who is an expert in the field, to share his thoughts on peace and love with the gathered audience. He explained the importance of peace in numerous ways by enabling the participants to look into the matter with open eyes and a different perspective.

World Tourism Day 2021
World Tourism Day is commemorated each year on the 27th of September, reminding the admirable contribution of the tourism industry towards the sustainable development goals of a country. According to the UN, this year’s world tourism day, under the theme of “Tourism and Rural Development” celebrated the unique role that tourism plays in providing opportunities outside of big cities and preserving cultural and natural heritage all around the world. (UNWTO)
United Hype 2021
United Hype, the Rotaract Interact Youth Conference is a brand-new initiative organized in collaboration with Interact Club of Nalanda College in May 2021. The project was aimed at improving the international understanding and relationship among Rotaract and Interact clubs worldwide. A total of 9 Rotaract and 2 Interact Clubs representing 11 countries/regions joined hands with United Hype to share the knowledge on various aspects such as the culture, languages, food, and other unique features of each country.

Rostrum 2021
Rostrum – the online, friendly debate’ is a novel initiative undertaken by Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa in association with Rotaract Club of Hindustan University of
Rotaract District 3232 in creating a platform for the conversation on how to transform the emerging new normal into an opportunity that can leave a lasting change in the economy of the world. COVID-19 outbreak has been a severe challenge to the world in various aspects and the economy is one of the hardest hits of them all.
Thai Pongal Day Celebration 2021
The cultural exchange project of the twin club agreement between Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa of RID 3220 and Rotaract Club of Hindustan University RID 3232 was held celebrating the traditional Thai Pongal Day. The two clubs got together virtually to celebrate the Thai Pongal festival, which falls in January. The day was spent
graciously through an online meeting where Tamil members of both the clubs shared pictures of how they celebrated Thai Pongal held on the 14th of January this year. Both club members shared photographs and videos of how they decorated their homes, what food they prepared for the Thai Pongal, and what cultural games they played during the Thai Pongal day. Through the project, all the members were able to spread peace beyond boundaries and also build friendships to cherish for years to come.

Positive Lessons from the Pandemic 2021
Covid-19 global pandemic was a challenging situation for everyone. With Rotaract and its dynamic spirit, the challenging situations are overridden with learnings, fellowship, and various opportunities. Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa and Rotaract Club of Nicosia joined together to celebrate the long-lasted friendship by sparing time to talk about how the pandemic has changed their lives. The members shared their positive
views and consequences gained by the global pandemic at the domestic and global levels. Both Rotaract Clubs exchanged the positive lessons of the pandemic situation
such as the development and evolvement of digitalization, e-commerce, and healthcare systems. The outcome of the meeting proved that Rotaractors from two different continents share the same views, values, potential, and vision.